Dear Doctors, We need your help!
Posted by Monica Sawyer on December 12, 2022Dear Doctors,
We need you. I need you. Yes, I know you always knew that. I mean we couldn’t SURVIVE without doctors! No dispute. But here’s the thing… A new era of patient exists. The overachiever patients. You know the ones… We’ve tried it all, scoured the internet to find the best solution (your eyes are rolling), probably the most natural solution (big sigh), and then finally turn to you for help (hands thrown in air with simultaneous eye roll sigh). I admit you were the last resort. And yes, we ask more questions than tolerable, but let’s be real here. Prescription drugs are whack (or is it spelled wAcK… who knows, don’t judge). I know when I see you I’m going to get a prescription – or now I kinda hope I will, since at that point I must need some major help. You’re the last resort, remember? But that stuff scares us overachiever patients. I just saw a commercial for an anti-depressant that was served up with a side of anxiety. When was that ever a good idea? This is old news. We all know about the overwhelming world of big pharma. And thus far we’ve accepted the dichotomy of “can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em.” I appreciate medical advances for sure! My family is embedded in medical advancement, founding an infirmary which is now McLeod Regional Medical Center in South Carolina. My grandfather was part of a two-doctor team who performed the first open heart surgery in Central Florida. I’m FOR you. It’s just your world has gotten a little out of control. I know you know what I’m talking about. Healthcare in general is out of control. So, this overachiever patient has a specific request: Learn about essential oils.
We’ve been getting pelted with solutions for years, and a consensus has solidly formed: Sugar is the Devil, greens are king, drink lots of water, and get your arse off the couch. Don’t forget to reduce stress and increase happiness. Simple. Simple. We know about these things. Well, BEHOLD, a new solution has immerged! Nope, not a drug. I’m talking about pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. No synthetics, no fillers, just pure, straight from the earth, unadulterated essential oils. This is not a sales pitch, this is a call for help. And why should you care?
- Scientific breakthroughs have been, and are being made with essential oils.
- The purity of essential oils is revolutionizing the industry.
- The world is already pretty freaked out and sick from the synthetics we consume.
- Essential oils are a valid, complimentary solution to your traditional protocol.
- Essential oils are not a fad, nor snake oil. There’s proof.
- Proof is in the double blind studies you require to take anything seriously.
- It’s not a matter of “if” you will be asked about essential oils, it’s “when.”
- You are the body experts. We need you on our side, helping to make sense of it all.
- Essential oils are not going away. Someday they’ll be in every home.
- We really need you to care.
Doctors, please. Hear our plea. Consider essential oils as a valuable compliment to what you are doing and dive in. For the majority of overachiever patients, the connection with you and essential oils is missing. We feel protected when we come to you for help (finally), but right now we are playing the role of pioneers, hoping people will take us seriously about how essential oils are changing lives. We are figuring it out on our own. There are some pioneer doctors for sure who have jumped into the mix and are elevating the industry. But we need YOU! As essential oils make it into every patient’s cabinet, you can be a leader in empowering your patient’s self-care regimen, improving lives even more than you already do. Please consider essential oils and join us in a new world of healing.
Thank you for your service, your care and your knowledge.
Your grateful and hopeful overachiever patient,